Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Another part of my life!

Sooo starting bulan lepas, for some reason I start bitching around not caring bout anything for a while. Tapi lepas tu, aku start caring back bout what is happening. Masa tu la dia menggigit balik. Naa apa kaw rasa~~~? Oren? Ramai sakit hati pasal aku, aku pun x taw maw cakap ataw buat apa utk mengcorrectkan keadaan. The good thing is I don't feel quite alone anymore. .. another bad thing: I feel like real bad person. Im a byitch!!.. But I guess it's not as bad as feeling alone in the world.. I am sorry thoooo for the people that I hurt.. And I am really-really sorry for all the money that I wasted. Akakaka X-D just kidding.. But It has been fun. ^^

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