Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Living like a mannequin
Living life for someone else and not for himself
without self love or wants
letting go of what it wants and have for anyone else other than itself
Just a dumb stiff doll mannequin
A bitch, his life
A life of a dead mannequin
Just follow as the strings pull him
just follow you stupid mannequin
you have no mind of your own
cause you are a mannequin
a dumb stiff mannequin
with no feelings or needs
dumb old mannequin
you only know how to follow

I don't want to be like you, mannequin
I would rather be myself
I don't want to follow the strings, mannequin
I'd rather do things the way I want

Friday, July 3, 2009

Our difference

There are lots of types of discrimination because of differences

Discrimination of works, gender, and race are some of the types of discrimination

What you do determine who you are or is it what you are determines what you do?

I had read a line in magazine that I cant state their name. A person wrote that people that work for the government are government 's dogs. The writer is saying that they are living their lives for someone elses life and not living their life their own. So the writer says he despise their life. Meanwhile some people that work in an office confronting papers and writings all day long despise the life of these kinds of people that dont have work like them. They think people that dont have steady work are irresponsible people.

I think this happens because of the non understanding of these two kinds of people and the unable to accept of the way people lives and the difference of thinking.

I sat down with some friends that arent really close with me and chat with them. I cant explain about all that we talked about but they talk about how different men and women are in a way that isnt good. I think they are kind of genderism people.

Different race, different culture. Different culture, different way raised. Different way raised, different personality. Different language spoken and different color of skin and complexion. Some people discriminate because of the difference because they cant or wont understand them.

I dont really understand all this much and yet Im writing about it because I sometimes discriminate people accidentally and some people do discriminate me too. There is too much of hate in this world and I certainly would like it to be some peace.

Selfish things.

Everything we do is selfish. X-D

I got this idea from watching the comedy series F.R.I.E.N.D.S

For example, you want to give money to poor kids, so they could get food to eat. So you give them money because you feel bad if u dont. You give them money to make urself feel good. Halve of the meaning of selfish means getting what u want. So means you are selfish.... you dont get it do you -_-

A:I gave all my money to charity.. I'm not selfish..
B: did it feel good giving money to charity?
A:yeah kinda.. yeah it did feel good.
B:then you are selfish..

But this is no excuse for people that take something from people to fulfill their wants and ignoring other peoples needs. The full meaning of selfish is fulfilling your own wants without thinking of what the hell will happen to other people

The first example is a good selfish act. An Example of a very bad selfish act is: eating all the served food that was prepared for everyone to eat and not leaving some left for others.

Magnetic personality

People usually make friends that have the same personality like them.

In school, there are certain clicks, gangs or groups. There are jocks, nerds, geeks, etceteras.

From what Ive seen in High school, these clicks happen because they have more things in common. Jocks loves to sport and this are the way they can bond. They do sports together and can chat about sports. Its hard for jocks to be friends with computer geeks because usually jocks arent interested in games but geeks love computer games. So its an interest collision.

There are nerds. Nerds always makes study group and help each other with homework and loves to discuss about their grades and the answers after a test. Nerds are usually strong in studies but weak in bodies. So they dont have much knowledge and experience about sports so they dont have much to talk about with jocks that dont love studying more than studying.

There are certain groups that like to torment other and make people miserable. From what Ive seen, other than tormenting people, these groups likes to skip school, race their motor vehicles, and beating up people for money. After they are done with their activities, they laugh and talk about their evil deeds, laughing with their kinds.

There is also the pretty girls group. Gossiping other people and trying to make their self pretty.
They love showing off their accessories, comparing, trying to make each other jealous. A girl jock that don't like to dress up won't like to join the pretty girls group.

There are people that can get into more than one clicks. For example, a jock that love computer games. This person can talk geek with geeks and talk sports with jocks. Another example is a nerd that likes playing basketball and card games. This person can join all the clicks of nerds, jocks, and geeks. But it's hard to find people that can be interested in all stuff at once. And the one who can is a superman to me.

Blood tied brothers.. isn't : Brothers by soul

Peribahasa melayu: Air dicincang tak akan putus, Darah lebih pekat dari air

All this crap is about siblings fight and still will forgive each other is not true

If you have to choose between family or friends, people usually say family even if they don't mean it because they don't want to be discriminated. But the ones that have a really good family member would choose family honestly

I think: if I should choose between a friend or a family member, I would choose logically and of course choose the one that is closest to me and can make the world a better world. I wouldn't choose the one that enjoys to make people miserable over the one that enjoys to help people.

If I have to choose between:
a good friend that you know for no doubt had help you and will help u again for life
a brother that is lying and stealing from everyone and never help anyone without benefiting himself.
,.. I definitely choose the friend.... Duh

Friends can be much more closer than people with blood ties. The time spent together is what makes people know each other more. But the more time people spent time together doesn't make the people like each other more.

I've experienced livin at home with my siblings and living with friends in the college dorm. In the dorm you spent most of your time with your roommate. Almost the same as living with your family at home. The more time you spend with each other, the more you get to know each other. But in the dorm, if you find out that your roommate, for example, a rapist or stealing, you can change room to someone elses room. But in your parents house, you have to deal with siblings that have those kinds of problem. You can't get away unless you move out. But you still have to face them sometimes because of certain duties as family.

If i had to choose between a friends and a family member. I would let go of a rotten family member and save lots of my good well friends.

For your information: I wouldn't choose stealing, cheating, lying, blood tied siblings over a good friend.

For people that doensn't have a rotten family member or a really great friend: you probably won't understand what i've writen.