Friday, July 3, 2009

Our difference

There are lots of types of discrimination because of differences

Discrimination of works, gender, and race are some of the types of discrimination

What you do determine who you are or is it what you are determines what you do?

I had read a line in magazine that I cant state their name. A person wrote that people that work for the government are government 's dogs. The writer is saying that they are living their lives for someone elses life and not living their life their own. So the writer says he despise their life. Meanwhile some people that work in an office confronting papers and writings all day long despise the life of these kinds of people that dont have work like them. They think people that dont have steady work are irresponsible people.

I think this happens because of the non understanding of these two kinds of people and the unable to accept of the way people lives and the difference of thinking.

I sat down with some friends that arent really close with me and chat with them. I cant explain about all that we talked about but they talk about how different men and women are in a way that isnt good. I think they are kind of genderism people.

Different race, different culture. Different culture, different way raised. Different way raised, different personality. Different language spoken and different color of skin and complexion. Some people discriminate because of the difference because they cant or wont understand them.

I dont really understand all this much and yet Im writing about it because I sometimes discriminate people accidentally and some people do discriminate me too. There is too much of hate in this world and I certainly would like it to be some peace.

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