Friday, July 3, 2009

Magnetic personality

People usually make friends that have the same personality like them.

In school, there are certain clicks, gangs or groups. There are jocks, nerds, geeks, etceteras.

From what Ive seen in High school, these clicks happen because they have more things in common. Jocks loves to sport and this are the way they can bond. They do sports together and can chat about sports. Its hard for jocks to be friends with computer geeks because usually jocks arent interested in games but geeks love computer games. So its an interest collision.

There are nerds. Nerds always makes study group and help each other with homework and loves to discuss about their grades and the answers after a test. Nerds are usually strong in studies but weak in bodies. So they dont have much knowledge and experience about sports so they dont have much to talk about with jocks that dont love studying more than studying.

There are certain groups that like to torment other and make people miserable. From what Ive seen, other than tormenting people, these groups likes to skip school, race their motor vehicles, and beating up people for money. After they are done with their activities, they laugh and talk about their evil deeds, laughing with their kinds.

There is also the pretty girls group. Gossiping other people and trying to make their self pretty.
They love showing off their accessories, comparing, trying to make each other jealous. A girl jock that don't like to dress up won't like to join the pretty girls group.

There are people that can get into more than one clicks. For example, a jock that love computer games. This person can talk geek with geeks and talk sports with jocks. Another example is a nerd that likes playing basketball and card games. This person can join all the clicks of nerds, jocks, and geeks. But it's hard to find people that can be interested in all stuff at once. And the one who can is a superman to me.

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