Saturday, February 19, 2011


I blog when my emotions are at a peak. I blog when there is something I want to express or just to let something go. I write about thing that I think, things I think I know. I don't care for attentions for my blog because my blog isn't some magazine. But if you want to know me, read. Talk to me and listen. Look me in the eyes. But just so you know, I don't want a fake friend. I'm just looking for something true.

From the bottom of my mind and heart, I put down these words...

different questions but different answers

I don't remember the first "different" answers that I got from another person.

But I do remember this questions and answers.

The question started of like this: I asked
"From the book of driving instructions : what is the A, B, C, D's answer. Was A to go left first or was it to slow down first?"

Answer I got from another person:
"You gotta watch your right, if there is no car, go for it"

yes it's annoying.

But then another day I tried asking him again bout the road. I wanted to take another road because the road we used to was jammed.

So I asked him: "could we take this road on the left to past thru the road in front of us?"

Answer: "nope"

but I went and took the road anyways and it did got thru to the road.

the person explains: "I thought you wanted to go thru the shops"

Started that day, my mind modify and adjust to not trying to ask him questions.

I will try to remember

So I'm just supposed to listen and say nothing?

"People don't change. They modify. They change."

So I guess I am going to try and modify and adjust. Everything comment you give: I'm going to say nothing because I'm not going to listen. Every question you ask I'm going to say: I don't know or don't care.

I'm going to try and remember not to ask any questions to you because you certainly can't think right.

Your use of words are wrong and I don't know if u care.

You make people lose their way and I don't know if u care.

But I guess you are only human. I am only human. We all are only human.

I may be asking for a lot of things but I wish I didn't. I am weak and in need of help but I'll modify and adjust. At least I'll try.

I will try to remember

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Minda terisi dengan ego dan kebodohan.

berfikir "lagi senang untuk aku tidak memberitahu perkara sebenar".

Dalam pemikirannya "aku memang la baik dan bagus. Aku layak untuk tidak memberitahu perkara sebenar dan mengisi minda orang-orang lain dengan informasi yang salah. Biarlah dia sesat, asalkan aku senang"..

Otak yang penuh dengan 'pride' dan 'stupidity'.

Dia terlalu ego untuk mengaku. Tidak mengaku dirinya sendiri adalah manusia. Dia sanggup melakukan apa saja untuk membuktikan dirinya yang tipu itu. Hidup dalam penipuan yang diceritakan oleh diri sendiri. Penipuan yang didirikan oleh dirinya sendiri.

People I knew, changed.

I don't know how to explain this well. I do believe people don't really change but some part of them do change. Like their appearances, their hearts, their principles.

Maybe I don't understand things well so I can't explain it well.

this maybe hard to explain because I'm trying to cover things up and probably don't want to say things.

but today, I do want to say somethings. So I try and think and write

Knew a person once. Didn't have to tell me lots of things but I do understand. Didn't really have lots of problems back then. Didn't have lots of things to hide. Didn't need to hide anything. Because we didn't know.

Now time pass by and we grew. The person I knew grew and changed. The person I knew, I lost in the rushing river of time. Today I see a stranger. I see a hipokrit stranger that I see everyday. Wish I could turn time just like winding a toy.
Time that used to have no worries now is filled with hatred and annoyance. Words and acts filled with fakeness and lying silence.

when there used to be quiet silence now changed into wrong informations and stupidities.