Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Living like a mannequin
Living life for someone else and not for himself
without self love or wants
letting go of what it wants and have for anyone else other than itself
Just a dumb stiff doll mannequin
A bitch, his life
A life of a dead mannequin
Just follow as the strings pull him
just follow you stupid mannequin
you have no mind of your own
cause you are a mannequin
a dumb stiff mannequin
with no feelings or needs
dumb old mannequin
you only know how to follow

I don't want to be like you, mannequin
I would rather be myself
I don't want to follow the strings, mannequin
I'd rather do things the way I want

Friday, July 3, 2009

Our difference

There are lots of types of discrimination because of differences

Discrimination of works, gender, and race are some of the types of discrimination

What you do determine who you are or is it what you are determines what you do?

I had read a line in magazine that I cant state their name. A person wrote that people that work for the government are government 's dogs. The writer is saying that they are living their lives for someone elses life and not living their life their own. So the writer says he despise their life. Meanwhile some people that work in an office confronting papers and writings all day long despise the life of these kinds of people that dont have work like them. They think people that dont have steady work are irresponsible people.

I think this happens because of the non understanding of these two kinds of people and the unable to accept of the way people lives and the difference of thinking.

I sat down with some friends that arent really close with me and chat with them. I cant explain about all that we talked about but they talk about how different men and women are in a way that isnt good. I think they are kind of genderism people.

Different race, different culture. Different culture, different way raised. Different way raised, different personality. Different language spoken and different color of skin and complexion. Some people discriminate because of the difference because they cant or wont understand them.

I dont really understand all this much and yet Im writing about it because I sometimes discriminate people accidentally and some people do discriminate me too. There is too much of hate in this world and I certainly would like it to be some peace.

Selfish things.

Everything we do is selfish. X-D

I got this idea from watching the comedy series F.R.I.E.N.D.S

For example, you want to give money to poor kids, so they could get food to eat. So you give them money because you feel bad if u dont. You give them money to make urself feel good. Halve of the meaning of selfish means getting what u want. So means you are selfish.... you dont get it do you -_-

A:I gave all my money to charity.. I'm not selfish..
B: did it feel good giving money to charity?
A:yeah kinda.. yeah it did feel good.
B:then you are selfish..

But this is no excuse for people that take something from people to fulfill their wants and ignoring other peoples needs. The full meaning of selfish is fulfilling your own wants without thinking of what the hell will happen to other people

The first example is a good selfish act. An Example of a very bad selfish act is: eating all the served food that was prepared for everyone to eat and not leaving some left for others.

Magnetic personality

People usually make friends that have the same personality like them.

In school, there are certain clicks, gangs or groups. There are jocks, nerds, geeks, etceteras.

From what Ive seen in High school, these clicks happen because they have more things in common. Jocks loves to sport and this are the way they can bond. They do sports together and can chat about sports. Its hard for jocks to be friends with computer geeks because usually jocks arent interested in games but geeks love computer games. So its an interest collision.

There are nerds. Nerds always makes study group and help each other with homework and loves to discuss about their grades and the answers after a test. Nerds are usually strong in studies but weak in bodies. So they dont have much knowledge and experience about sports so they dont have much to talk about with jocks that dont love studying more than studying.

There are certain groups that like to torment other and make people miserable. From what Ive seen, other than tormenting people, these groups likes to skip school, race their motor vehicles, and beating up people for money. After they are done with their activities, they laugh and talk about their evil deeds, laughing with their kinds.

There is also the pretty girls group. Gossiping other people and trying to make their self pretty.
They love showing off their accessories, comparing, trying to make each other jealous. A girl jock that don't like to dress up won't like to join the pretty girls group.

There are people that can get into more than one clicks. For example, a jock that love computer games. This person can talk geek with geeks and talk sports with jocks. Another example is a nerd that likes playing basketball and card games. This person can join all the clicks of nerds, jocks, and geeks. But it's hard to find people that can be interested in all stuff at once. And the one who can is a superman to me.

Blood tied brothers.. isn't : Brothers by soul

Peribahasa melayu: Air dicincang tak akan putus, Darah lebih pekat dari air

All this crap is about siblings fight and still will forgive each other is not true

If you have to choose between family or friends, people usually say family even if they don't mean it because they don't want to be discriminated. But the ones that have a really good family member would choose family honestly

I think: if I should choose between a friend or a family member, I would choose logically and of course choose the one that is closest to me and can make the world a better world. I wouldn't choose the one that enjoys to make people miserable over the one that enjoys to help people.

If I have to choose between:
a good friend that you know for no doubt had help you and will help u again for life
a brother that is lying and stealing from everyone and never help anyone without benefiting himself.
,.. I definitely choose the friend.... Duh

Friends can be much more closer than people with blood ties. The time spent together is what makes people know each other more. But the more time people spent time together doesn't make the people like each other more.

I've experienced livin at home with my siblings and living with friends in the college dorm. In the dorm you spent most of your time with your roommate. Almost the same as living with your family at home. The more time you spend with each other, the more you get to know each other. But in the dorm, if you find out that your roommate, for example, a rapist or stealing, you can change room to someone elses room. But in your parents house, you have to deal with siblings that have those kinds of problem. You can't get away unless you move out. But you still have to face them sometimes because of certain duties as family.

If i had to choose between a friends and a family member. I would let go of a rotten family member and save lots of my good well friends.

For your information: I wouldn't choose stealing, cheating, lying, blood tied siblings over a good friend.

For people that doensn't have a rotten family member or a really great friend: you probably won't understand what i've writen.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

showoff? High maintenence people?

A girl said to me; She shows off to people so that people can feel lower class than her and want to achieve more and gonna try harder for money. That's her excuse.
But what I think is: not every people want to achieve more and would probably be pissed off. Some people would feel the things that they have is enough.
What I think is: she wants to be adored and looked up to and maybe wants other people to feel like trash and their excuse is just to make themselves feel better and not be look down or discriminate.
What I think is: they themselves don't feel confident.

She said that if people like her saw someone else with more expensive and prettier things than them, they wouldn't be able to sleep at night with ease. Some would probably work hard to get those things. They would spend lots of their time for that things. And some that wouldn't want to spend their time would go the easy way by just stealing.
What I think is: that would probably serve that show off right but that would be good for the morality of the thief.
What i think: if she feels like that when people show off to her, why would she wanna show off to people? to make other people like her suffer?

A guy told me: clubbers, guys mainly. Take their cars to go to clubs. Someone told me: If you are taking a cheap kancil, don't park near the club. Park a few blocks away so no one can see your car. And if you have a great car, drive it pass the club door with the window open so people can see you. All for the glory of bragging. You don't go to club to meet good people. You go to show off and meet girls that are interested in money. But what do I know? I don't go to clubs.

Usually when I see people that have good stuff and great things like expensive cars, big house, I would think how lucky they are and what things have they done to have those thing. Good or bad. The things that really matter is if they raised their children good or evil. Rich kids with money can make people suffer depending on how they use it.

Robin Hood is a role model thief. Steal from the rich and give to the poor.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Money making business minded people and struggling artists

There is so much difference between these two kinds of people.

Business people always talk about money, properties, and business. Choose money over love or lover with money. They think about what the benefits their friends and family can give them. Business minded people are not shy and very proud of themselves. Business minded people usually comes from wealthy families. Their parents give raised them with the thought of money really matters and give them some funding to start their own business and they try to keep their business steady.

The bad business minded one likes power so they can control people and hate real bad to be controlled. How much money that they make is always not enough because there are always people that seems better and have more money than them.

The good business minded one is the one that would want to help people and dont care much of the help their friends can give. Fix everything that is messed up in life and want to have everything comfortable for people and make money in the process.

Struggling artists are people that care for arts more than money. Spend some money to make art. Some people would look down on them and call them useless people. Some families want to stop their children or siblings from being artist because of the suffering that they would have to endure. Some artist need supports from friends and families financially and mentally but wont usually get it. Some artists have lots of friends and some are loners. But they dont usually think about what their family and friends can benefit them. They only think about those things when asked by someone else. Works that they do are made with very hard work. Some would want their art to be loved by people and some just love the art if they can express themselves. Some people with the soul of an artist would stray from what they want to do because of the nonsupport people around them. Some would get over it and some would haunt their life forever. There are lots kinds of artist in this world today. Musicians, canvas painting, wall graffiti, photographer and lots more. All to create.

My personality is more to a struggling artist.

what personality are you?

Friday, June 5, 2009

You get the fashions and styles some people are wearing now in Malaysia?

Malaysia in a hot country. Now with global farking warming, it hotter than ever. Malaysia is hot like the african desert now. And african desert is hot like hell. Not that i've been to africa tho.

With this farking hot weather, some people wears scarfs around their necks and some wear hoodie sweaters. Sweat dripping down their forehead and neck and bodies making the cloths all wet.

I think if it was in a mall, it wouldn't be as hot as the outside coz of the air conditioner. They do look good. But to suffer for style is a big deal to pay.

But I myself wear a jacket sometime when I go out. It is hot. But I wear the jacket to put my stuff in. It would be uncomfortable to stuff it all in my pants pocket. Some time I bring my old blue bag so I can sneak food inside the cinema.

I can't really stand wearing long sleeved T shirts but I still wear them. Bought it coz I think it looks good. Why buy it if you ain't gonna wear it, right? I try not going out of the mall where its hot coz I'd sweat and it would make me uncomfortable.

Skinny jeans makes it so hard to move once you wear it. But they do look good if you can match it with what else you wear.

Brands. The famous brands of the clothings and pants and shoes. Nike, Adidas, Levi's, Converse. The brands makes it much more expensive. But the brand itself is a style.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

what to do when you don't have much money and a car for moving around in Kota Kinabalu

There are lots to do. Sight seeing, Watch movies, play games in the arcade or cyber cafe, window shopping. Doing all this things should be much fun if you bring some or at least some or a good friend. Whatever

Sight seeing is kinda boring if you do it everyday. And beneath the hot sun in the midday, it's not really fun. But at night, it should be relaxing. You should walk around in the waterfront of Kota Kinabalu. There are some waterfront in Kota Kinabalu. Not only near the Warisan Square but another is near Wisma Merdeka where you can waste your time walking to. There is also 1 near likas but that is so far away and you need your own transportation to get there. Watch the stars and silently thinking of something or nothing. But there are lots of mosquitoes :-p

Playing games kinda need money but if you find a cheap cyber cafe, you can spend lots of time using only a little amount of money. There is a good cyber cafe in Asia City Mall that only cost 1 ringgit 50 cents for 1 hour. Surf facebook, friendster, myspace, and play online games. Hei but if you have internet at home, why go to cyber cafe, right? Why go outside at all :-p

If you have a friend that is good at a fighting arcade game, you should play it and give the game to him when you are at the virge of loosing. I used to do this with my friends but that was a long time ago. This is kinda a gamble coz your friends can lose a game too O_O

Window shopping is fun. But keep watching those cloths and shoes makes you want to buy them. Make sure you have a high self control ability to go on this journey so you don't use your money. Later when you have some extra money then you can get them. And if it's gone when you get money, then you can just cry out but you get to keep your money X-D. If you have no shame, you can try the cloths and shoes and jeans just to check how they look on you and still not buy them. Just for fun. I did that once. only once tho.... Make it more than once. Maybe a lot of times :-p

an Adventurous sight seeing is kinda fun and exciting in Kota Kinabalu. Try and see how much time you can spend by taking the free bus from warisan square to 1Borneo and taking the bus back from 1Borneo to warisan square. This experience won't need money.. But there isn't a free bus anymore now. O_O

Just keep walking and sight seeing. It's a good exercise and you will be surprised if you really watch and see and observe the places and the people.

Pasar Malam is kinda fun to waste your time. There is a bundle of used clothings there. If you just search and search, you might just find very good clothings for very cheap price. Just wash the cloths, it'll be fine. But if you are the kind of person that thinks thats discusting, don't do it.
The food in pasar philipines is good and cheap too. There aren't lots of local people in the pasar philipines but just go with the flow of life. Respect people and people respects you. People disrespect you, and .. i don't know O_O

10 December 2010

Well actually to have really good fun, you do need money. Hadn't done all this stuff since years ago. There real sure thing is (for me) it's hard to have fun without friends